France Archdeaconry Synod 2023 – Finance Meeting

Synod members, Chaplains and Readers, together with some of the Chaplaincy Treasurers and Churchwardens met via Zoom on 4 March for a finance-focused synod meeting.

Before the meeting started, Archdeacon Peter Hooper led a Bible study on Luke 19:11-27.

The agenda included Presentations on the Diocesan Financial Plan for 2023-2026 by Andrew Caspari, Diocesan Chief Operating Officer, and by Juliet Evans, the Diocesan Fundraising Advisor.

The members also approved the accounts for 2022, and the minutes of the meeting held in 2022

You will find below summary of the meeting, links to the two presentations and a summary of feedback from the groups.
Please note that the presentations are large files and may take time to load.

Summary of the meeting

Introduction to the Finances of the Diocese (Presentation by Andrew Caspari)

Good Financial Stewardship (Presentation by Juliet Evans)

Observations on Financial Stewardship (Feedback from the groups)

The New Normal (Feedback from the groups)

Minutes of the 2022 AGM

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